Various Industries We Have Worked With

With more than 10 years of experience in various industries across Indonesia archipelago, we can help you conduct your business better than ever. Our team have deep knowledge in dealing with operations of industries/sectors as mentioned below. We are also open in discovering opportunities in other industries/sectors.

Infrastructure is of paramount importance for faster economic growth especially in developing countries. As one of the heavy equipment suppliers in Indonesia, we feel that it is our duty to help support constructions and infrastructure in Indonesia in the best possible way by clearing rocky and unmanageable roads, managing batching plants, connecting remote areas, improving and compacting the grounds.

Throughout these years of expertise, we have partaken in numerous government and international infrastructure projects such as high-speed railways, airports, highways and passageways by providing the needed equipment and human resources.

Infrastructure & Batching Equipment


Wheel Loaders





The increasing need for better quality of life in Indonesia is highly intercorrelated with the high needs of raw materials such as coals, lime stones, clays and other mine-able raw materials. Indonesia, along with its abundant natural resources is also home for some of the largest mine and quarries which can potentially increase our attractiveness as a country for investors both local and international.

Having diverse fleet line up consisting of breakers, rockdrills, excavators and dump trucks allows us to help your mining operational runs smoothly. Our experienced human resources along with our officers will greatly help our clients in navigating the mining and quarry industry.

Mining & Quarry Plants Equipment


Wheel Loaders

Dump Trucks


Rock Drills


Working relentlessly for 24 hours to support small and big industries are one of our main ways to support the economic growth in this country. We currently help in managing both human resources and heavy equipment related with our customer’s productions and operational activities such as

Coal/Power Generator
The heartbeat of a factory is their power generators. By utilizing the most efficient multiple combination of heavy equipment, we ensure that the handling and unloading of coal for the power generator can run smoothly without any interruptions.

Day-to day production supports
Apart from supporting our customer industry power source, we also have many experiences in other production areas. Our heavy equipment can be quite handy and efficient in loadings raw materials, rejects, managing waste and even transporting finished goods into their rightful place in the production process.

Industrial Equipment


Wheel Loaders

Dump Trucks


Flatbed Trucks


Having a large number of diverse heavy equipment fleet requires us to excel in mobilization. Having our own trucking division consisting of heavy duty lowbed trailers and self loaders trucks is really advantageous both for us and our customers. We also provide the logistic service to help customers move equipment and machinery that are not possible to be transported using regular trucks.

Logistic Equipment


Lowbed Trucks

In dire need of fast unloading service while transporting bulk material at a port without getting any demurrage? Located near to Port Perak of East Java, we can provide our customer with speedy support during bulk material unloading along with the experienced operators.

Material Unloading Equipment


Wheel Loaders
